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National Roofing is one of the leading Commercial Roofers in New Mexico, servicing most of the South West.

The Problem:

National's site was initially built on Wix. All of the content was outdated, it wasn't easy to maintain at all, and they were in dire need of a full site rebuild.

The Solution:

Scrap Everything and Start Over.

The Process

Over the duration of the project, I worked with several key people in the company to ensure the site was going to meet the needs of everyone who had a say. I started with a rough mockup of the design, in order to quickly get a plan locked into place.

Once the design was approved, I started working on both the base theme code as well as the illustration that I was going to eventually animate for the homepage.

The Illustration

National Roofing is Coming Home Illustration

National Roofing was in the process of bringing their years of commercial roofing experience to the residential market. I designed an illustration for animation of a crane slamming a roof onto a house.

The house is in the style of a traditional New Mexico adobe house, and when the roof lands on the house, the illustration switches from black and white to color. Check it out on

Built On WordPress

They wanted an easy way to add and update content as the site grew. I built out custom post types for their different Services, Projects, Testimonies & more. Their main complaint about their old site was all the work required to update the content. With WordPress, updating anything on the site is as easy as posting to Facebook.

Continuous Integration

I knew that they were going to have me continue updating the site, so I set up their repo with a GitHub Action that updates the theme on their site automatically.

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